
In addition to pushes around specific strategic moments, we provide ongoing support to the OneOcean Flotilla on ocean issues. This includes:

  • Issue briefings: written by experts and based on community-approved science, on a range of subjects including: Arctic and Antarctic; deep ocean; invasive species; marine pollution; ocean acidification; ocean deoxygenation; ocean heating; overfishing and IUU fishing; shipping.
  • Unbranded infographics: to explain key subject areas such as: ocean heating; the carbon cycle; the High Seas; ocean acidification.
  • Video content and animations: to support on ongoing campaign efforts, such as the #DroptheS ocean literacy work, and #BlueNature hashtag.

 While some resources are publicly available on this website, others are solely available for use by OneOcean Flotilla members. For more information or to sign up to the OneOcean Flotilla, click here.