Members’ News

17 April, 2024

Earth Day 2024 calls for a 60% reduction in plastic, under the theme “Planet vs Plastic”. The issue of plastic pollution is felt across the globe on land and sea alike. The interconnectedness of our one global ocean means that plastic waste is being transported around the world, both polluting the ocean and washing up on shores far from where it emanated. Over the past three years the “Message in a Bottle” experiment is a stark example of just how far and fast our plastic waste can travel, and seeks to deliver a message to the world that the single plastic use needs to cease.

Continue reading Earth Day 2024 – Message in a Bottle

20 March, 2023

Fishing: Challenges and Opportunities for the Ocean

Monaco Ocean Week – Please join the MERI Foundation, Centre Scientifique de Monaco and Monaco Ocean Week 2023 for a two-day round table discussion on the conditions responsible for an economic, social, political and environmental approach to fishing.

First Blue Economy Round Table: Tuesday, March 21st / 08:00AM – 07:30PM

Second Blue Economy Round Table: Wednesday, March 22nd / 08:30AM – 07:30PM

Location: Bureu Hidrographique International de Monaco

Continue reading Blue Economy Round Table

26 June, 2022

LISBON — On Sunday, 26 June, ahead of the United Nations Ocean Conference being held in Altice Arena – Lisbon, a team, led by OneOcean, will deploy special GPS pollution tracking devices from Praia de Carcavelos at 5:00 pm, to help scientists study the distribution of ocean plastic pollution as part of the #EUBeachCleanup, which will also include a microplastic cleanup of the site.


15 June, 2022

The UN Ocean Conference taking place from 26 June to 1 July, in Lisbon, Portugal, is designed to provide a space for the international community to push for the adoption of innovative, science-based solutions for the sustainable management of the ocean, including combating water acidification, pollution, illegal fishing and loss of habitats and biodiversity.

Check out a selection of events being organised around the conference by members of the OneOcean Flotilla here.

10 November, 2021

The international community has gathered at COP26, the high level climate change talks in Glasgow, to decide on actions aimed at curbing climate change and preventing the worst. Statements have already been made by many countries on slashing methane emissions and ending deforestation by 2030. As these talks continue, and as countries begin offering more concrete details on the logistics of the promises made thus far, it is crucial that all aspects of the earth-climate system are considered holistically.

Continue reading Press Release: Ocean Climate Dialogue Provides Window Into Stakeholder Priorities for ocean-climate action at COP26

4 November, 2021

On November 8th at COP26, Ocean Visions, in partnership with the Government of Kenya and the Thunderbird School of Global Management, are hosting a side event entitled “Scaling Carbon Removal Worldwide to Achieve the Paris Agreement and Beyond: The Power of Global Partnerships and the Oceans.”

Continue reading COP26 — Scaling Carbon Removal Worldwide to Achieve the Paris Agreement and Beyond: The Power of Global Partnerships and the Oceans

7 October, 2021

IMPAC5: The 5th International Marine Protected Areas Congress

From 1 to 8 September 2022, the world’s leading ocean conservation professionals will meet in Vancouver, Canada to chart a course towards protecting 30% of the global ocean by 2030.

We can ensure future success in protecting the ocean by sharing our past accomplishments. We invite you—as individuals and organizations from around the world—to recount your ocean conservation journeys and lessons learned for future action in ocean protection.

Continue reading Canada welcomes the world to Vancouver in 2022